Luchtverkeersleiding | recruitment game
How to reach young potential future 'air traffic controllers' in the digital era? Right, by making a challenging game to test their air traffic control skills.
Top 10 in the App Store
We developed the game for the 3 gaming platforms (iOS, Android and In the first week of the release the game already reached the top 10 position in the App Store in the Netherlands.
Within a month the game was downloaded over 100.000 times. 30 of the best players where invited to battle each other on the Dutch Championship 'Take Control of the Tower'.
1 Million Downloads in 2017!
We passed the 1 millions downloads combined on iOS and Android worldwide. Average session time is around 6 minutes, which is really high for this kind of game.
National event
The 30 best players of ‘Take Control of the Tower’ got an invitation for the event at headquarters of the Luchtverkeersleiding. The players battled for the Dutch championship, with 30 iPads lined up and a scoreboard with realtime scores.